Friday, May 27, 2016

Planets Changing Orbits......Ohhhh Mr.Black

New Planet Proves Planets Change Orbits      

The recent discovery by two Caltech researchers (Yahoo News 1/21/2016) of the possible existence of another planet in our solar system beyond Pluto supports my research. Mike Brown and Konstantin Baytgin computer simulations indicate the very real possibility of another planet 56 million miles away from the sun that completes an orbit every 20,000 years. This planet may have altered the orbits of either Saturn or Jupiter, or for that matter the orbit of any other planet.  This supports our research that the solar system was different in the very ancient past and led to the destruction of life on Earth and/or the other planets.
Briefly, their work with mathematical modeling and computer simulations indicate that a planet 10 times the size of Earth would have altered the orbits of the other planets in earlier times of the solar system and could, itself, been knocked out of orbit by the gravitational pull of Jupiter and Saturn. (See their paper “Evidence for a Distant Giant Planet in the Solar System”)
The current theory among solar system scientists is that at its origin the solar system had four planet cores, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune but it could have easily had five cores.  The interaction between these planetary bodies would have altered the planets’ orbits and knocked this new one out of orbit and into the Kuiper Belt which is home to a very large number of ice bodies and asteroids.
Why is this important?  It is important because from inspection of artifacts released by the Mexican Government in 2012 there is evidence of an ancient Earth civilization that had space flight and memorialized a trip to Saturn.  Jupiter was nowhere indicated.
This civilization existed on planet Earth at the time of the supercontinent of Rodinia.  Rodinia formed from 1100 to 900 million years ago and was destroyed 750 million years ago.  This leads us to conclude that intelligent life may have existed on Earth upwards of one billion years ago.  The current discovery of this new planet supports our work and does not contradict it.  If we were incorrect then new science would contradict our work and prove us wrong. Since this new science does not contradict us then we must be on the right track and are closer to the truth then even we first believed.
This is the sixth new scientific discovery that allows our research and supports our conclusions.  The other include: plate tectonics, the reconstruction of supercontinents, the impact that killed the dinosaurs, the “Big Splat” theory of the formation of the moon, and “Snowball Earth”.
Earth did indeed harbor intelligent life at a very early time, possibly one billion years ago. Our work and the new scientific discoveries we have just mentioned make this abundantly clear.