Friday, November 27, 2015

Mr. Black Asks: How Old Are The Ica Stones Of Peru?

Could the Ica Stones be 86 Million Years Old?      

Well, here we are again dating something back many millions of years. As we read back over our blog posts we have the same feeling of unbelief at the very dates we have demonstrated. Oh yes, they have been demonstrated and they keep getting older and older.
Why are they so very old? They are so very old because new scientific discoveries have provided researchers with new tools to study the past. One of the most important of these tools is plate tectonics, the study of the movement of the Earth’s continental plates. Oh, for those of you who don’t know the continents do move. This is scientific fact.
Well, in addition to plate tectonics, paleontologists who study dinosaurs have recently discovered that dinosaurs only gained their great size in the last 20 million years of their existence, between 86 million to 66 million years ago. Before that time, dinosaurs were about the size of human beings today. (Scientific American May 2015) Now, with this new information we can re-examine the Ica Stones again.
Before we do this let us review what the Ica Stones are. They are engraved stones found near the town of Ica in Peru. These stones were originally discovered by a medical doctor Javier Caberra and kept in a small private museum in Ica. These engraved stones have images of dinosaurs, strange animal life, and what look like humans beings – doctor Caberra called them “proto-humans”.
So, how do we get such an old date for the Ica Stones? Well, when you examine the Ica Stones closely, you notice that they appear to depict small dinosaurs. In fact, even the images of the “proto-humans” shown illustrate these beings as smaller than we are now. For all this to be an accurate depiction of reality it would have to show images from a time at least 86 million years ago.
Now, let us not get excited. Although the images may indeed represent scenes that are that old, the Ica Stones, themselves, could have been copied and recopied. It is the images that represent creatures that are at least 86 million years old.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Mr. Black and The Pyramid On Ceres

Could the Four Mile High Mountain on Ceres be a Massive Monument?    

The solar system is a mysterious place. Neither its true origin nor its original inhabitants are known. Science only makes an educated guess about them through theory, computer simulation, and evolution.
The NASA Dawn Probe spacecraft has only contributed to this mystery. Specifically, it has
returned photographic images of the dwarf planet Ceres that show us more inexplicable phenomenon. The images show us bright spots in a two mile deep crater and bright streaks on a four mile high pyramid mountain. These photographs seem to indicate that this pyramid mountain may be artificial.
NASA has released a short video narrated by Marc Rayman of Jet Propulsion Laboratories. The video shows us a rotating down looking view of this amazing mountain. My first impression is that it is a carved monument with a face looking to the sky. This is a monument four miles high and over 413 million kilometers from Earth.
There have been many people who have claimed evidence of past civilization in the solar system. There have also been many people who point to anomalous artifacts and structures on earth to justify their claims of ET. However, this discovery has to be placed among the most anomalous and inexplicable. Even so, my research over the past six years may shed some light on this recent discovery.
Let us begin with the pyramid mountain, itself. As the video shows (, the mountain has multiple flat sharp angled sides. This can not be a natural feature. The NASA video refers to them as bright streaks. Look closely and you will notice that bright streaks rest along the edges of the sides that are flat, and angled. There are at least 11 angled sides making the mountain look like a massive carved monument. Furthermore, the image is looking upwards similar to images on Mars and Earth.
The image looks like a cone headed individual shown on carvings on Easter Island, Brazil, and artifacts released by the Mexican Government in 2012. These images indicate that there was an ancient civilization on earth that had acquired the ability of space flight during the time of the super continent Rodinia. This continent broke apart over 750 million years ago.
Why did this civilization become extinct? The reason is not known but there seems to be the real possibility that there was some kind of massive destruction in the solar system itself. The details of this solar system destruction are currently unknown.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Mr. Black Explains - Snowball Earth


Earth died 715 million years ago. Its lifeless carcass rested in the dark stillness of space wrapped in the pall of massive world-wide glaciers 5,000 meters thick for 120 million years. This was the time of snowball earth.
Snowball earth is a theory put forth to explain glacial deposits in the tropics back in 1992.
It is real science and there is real evidence to support the theory. It is important because it is the mask that the covers the real age of life on earth. Snowball Earth introduces a systematic error in the geological dating of the terrestrial expansion of life onto land of at least 175 million years.
Here is how. Geology has established what is known as the Cambium Explosion at 542 million years ago. This is the base line for fossils. There are no fossils older than 560 million years of complex multi-cellular life on the surface of our planet. Therefore, from a geological perspective, terrestrial life began on the surface land at that time.
The systemic error enters the picture because of the glaciers. Life would die and be held in a frozen state for 120 million years. Fossilization can only begin after the glaciers melt. There is no sedimentation to cover the dead animal before this time. So, all geological dating based on fossils begin here and dates the time of fossilization not the date of the animal’s death. Since Snowball Earth began 715 million years ago and ended 595 million years ago, this time frame must be added to fossil dated to get a more accurate date. In fact, the added time from 595 to 540 must also be included meaning that at least 175 million years must be added to the start of the Cambium.
WOW! A 175 million year error in dating indicates that the Cambium was not the date of life’s origin on land but the date of its re-appearance on land. The Earth died 715 million years ago and was resurrected 540 million years ago.
In our essays located on this blog, “Did Earth Have Intelligent Life 1.1 Billion Years ago?” and “Reasons Why a Billion Year Old Civilization on Earth is Possible”, we discuss the possibly of a civilization on the super continent Rodinia and why there is a problem dating this far back. We conclude that the ancient civilization is masked. Well, it is and that mask is Snowball Earth. Science can not date beyond 540 million years because of the systematic error caused by the glaciations of the surface of the planet.
Our estimate is that complex multi-cellular terrestrial life began much earlier in the past, possibly 1.1 billion years ago. This date now makes sense given that Snowball Earth is the source of systematic error in geological dating.