Sunday, November 13, 2016

Mr. Black Explains The Science Behind......Mr. Black

Is Mr. Black A Scientific Heretic?
A few days ago, I spoke with an old friend who told me that she had looked over my blog and didn’t “follow it”.  She couldn’t understand what I was getting at and how I discovered the great antiquity of intelligent life on the Earth.   Well, I decided to write this little essay to help others who may have the same difficulty.

One of the basic “truths” that I have discovered is that one cannot hoax true science.  I know that so-called scholars will argue with me here but what I have said is true.  One cannot hoax true science.  What does this mean?  It means that when one comes across an unusual artifact with unknown history of ownership or discovery that the artifact can still be tested by examining the science depicted on the artifact.  Even if the artifact has been copied and re-copied, the science can be examined.  Well, examining the science depicted on various artifacts gives us a very different understanding of our planet’s past and the true history of civilization.  Both intelligent life and civilization are far older than anyone could have even imagined, upwards of one billion years old.
Furthermore, the recent scientific discoveries of the last 50 years neither exclude nor render impossible this claim.  They do the exact opposite and both allow and support the reality of this claim.  In short, intelligent-life, both human and non-human, has existed for a very long time on planet Earth.
Just how did we go about making this discovery?  We began by looking for impact craters on earth and plotting them on a map.  We also applied mathematics. We divided the map of the globe into sectors and averaged the location of the impact craters to discover an “average” or “mean” position for the impacts. This allowed us to plot a line around the world that represented an orbital path of a celestial object around our planet.  We, at first, believed that this object was a lost moon of earth – and it still could be – but a better explanation is that it represented the debris field of an impact of earth by a Mars sized object over 4.1 billion years ago.  In fact, the orbital path matches the impact trajectory and orbital direction of our moon.  This conforms to the “Big Splat Theory” of lunar formation.
Given this orbital path, we applied Plate Tectonics, the movement of the continents, by using this path as a reference line and were able to date various archaeological sites.  This resulted in the finding of extremely old dates for civilization.  We got a date of 28.5 million years for ancient Egypt and upwards of 103 million years for an ancient civilization in Mexico.  The current dating of Mexico’s lost cities represents the date that these sites were occupied by modern humans and not their original builders.
Given the old dates we calculated, we were able to make sense out of the images engraved on various artifacts.  These artifacts showed us images of intelligent beings that were “human like” but not “human” as we are.  One specific characteristic of the ancients was that they did not have thumbs.  This meant that they were not anthropoids (apes) and therefore could not be human.  All of this is clearly displayed on various artifacts but is not openly discussed in archaeological circles.
This result also explains the possibility of extra-planetary civilizations, particularly on Mars.  It seems that the ancients were capable of interplanetary space flight at the time of their destruction by some ancient calamity. Dr. John Brandenburg has written that he has discovered evidence of a nuclear explosion on Mars that destroyed the planet.  He bases this on the discovery of Xenon 129, an isotope produce in nuclear explosions. He also dates the destruction of Mars back to 180 million years ago.
However, our work indicates that intelligent life resided on the Earth at the time of the super continent of Rodinia. This super continent became extinct 750 million years ago and brings our work into direct conflict with established paleontology, specifically on the dating of when life spread across the surface of the earth.  Paleontology dates the spread of life on the surface of the earth to 542 million years ago but we deem it to be very much earlier, over one billion years, with intelligent life and civilization between 864-825 million years ago.  This also seems to be the date that the ancients travel to the planets.
We fully realize that what we are claiming is controversial in the extreme but it is not absurd. These claims are made based upon our examination and study of the data we have been able to consider and they are not excluded by recent finds.  However, currently established academic disciplines including archaeology, Egyptology, Mayan studies, paleontology, philology, and paleo-anthropology (human origins) have much to reconsider and correct.  This makes us a scientific heretic of the first order.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Mr Black Explains the Difficulty of Studying the Very Ancient Past....

Euler, the 18th century mathematician, stated that two variables that are equal to a third variable are equal to each other.  He said that this was self-evident.  In other words, this is a universal or absolute truth of mathematics.  Like philosophy, mathematics deals with absolute truth. However, this is not the case for science.  Remember, you cannot go from “bottom-up” but only “top-down” to properly explain nature.  In short, a workable theory needs to be developed and supported by observation and experiment to provide us with scientific truth.  Scientific truth is neither dogmatic nor absolute.  It is only probable and subject to change with new information.  Unfortunately, the bias of mainline science will resist any change.

Here is another example.  Alfred Wagoner developed a theory that continents move and called it “Continental Drift”.  Mainli
ne science, particularly in the United States highly criticized Wagoner for his work.  What happened?  In 1968, with the discovery of sea floor spreading, geologists accepted the theory of plate tectonics, the movement of continents.
Now, let us consider OOP fossils and artifacts. What are OOPs? They are “out of place” artifacts and fossils, inexplicable finds that cannot be explained and were often found by non-professional scientists.  This is often the reason they are ignored and dismissed, often as fakes, by mainline science.  There are many objects that can be called OOPs but even considering their non-professional discoveries they can still provide data that can help us unravel and explain the past.  They should not be dismissed out of hand.
One archaeological artifact that is not considered an OOP is the Egyptian Sphinx.  I believe it to be an OOP because Geologists and Egyptologists do not agree on its age, an age disparity upwards of 800,000 years. The great age of intelligent life on earth has been demonstrated by this OOP. Furthermore, this great age also challenges the belief that only modern humans were capable of civilization.
How do we come to this conclusion? So called experts in Egyptology date it as 4500 years old.  Dr. Robert Schoch (PhD geology) sees it as being at least 5,000 to 7,000 years old.  In a conference in the late 1990s geologists agreed with him while the Egyptology accepted the younger date.  Furthermore, additional research conducted by two scientists from the Ukraine discovered that the Sphinx was at one time totally submerged and as the water level dropped left “wave-cut hollows on the Sphinx.  This could have only happened at the earliest, 800,000 years ago.  (Vjacheslav I. Manichev and Alexander G. Parkhomenko. 2008. “Geological Aspect of the Problem of Dating The Great Egyptian Sphinx Construction” in Geoarchaeology and Archaeomineralogy, Eds. R. I. Kostov, B. Gaydarska, M. Gurova, Sofia.)
Frankly, it seems to me that all traditionalist or mainline researchers just don’t know how to really interpret and understand their research results.  All truth is self- evident but that assumes that the researcher is not closed minded or blinded by mainline scientific bias. The refusal of mainline researchers to even study so called OOPs demonstrates their bias. Also, their refusal to even consider the possibility of non-human intelligent life possessing civilization further demonstrate their bias. How can anyone look for non-human intelligence in the Earth’s ancient past if they begin by not even accepting the possibility that they may have existed?  You cannot find what you are not looking for.
Here is another discovery I have come across through my research.  Mexico was the home of a civilization upwards of 100 million years ago. This civilization came to an end 66 million years ago with the impact that killed the dinosaurs.  This can be easily determined by considering the movement of the North American Plate. The easy way is to keep in mind that the ancients worshiped the sun so their temples must face east.  Well, the geographical location of the various cities and temples in the Yucatan face east when the North American plate is re-positioned to where it was 66 million years ago.  Furthermore, much of the Mexican lost civilization was covered under a massive layer of soil.  Since it would take more effort to bury their ancient cities that build them, it is obvious (self-evident) that their burial resulted from the massive tidal wave resulting from the impact that killed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.
This analysis makes all the lost cities of Mexico OOPs.
Archaeological research in either Egypt or Mexico, or anywhere else for that matter cannot be considered as rigorously scientific because of the built-in bias of their disciplines and refusal to accept geological dating of which Dr. Robert Schoch’s work on the Sphinx is an example. The Sphinx is not irrelevant to the study of any OOP.  It is the exception that proves the rule.
Furthermore, some of the methods of archaeological dating are very problematic. One reason is that one cannot date when a stone or rock structure was built.  What is generally done is some other item is found and dated with Carbon 14 testing. Carbon 14 cannot date beyond 50,000 years.
Now, in the case of Mexico, it is possible to test my conclusions. Just rotate a map of the North American plate backward in time to 66 million years ago and you will find that the temples, cities, and streets of the Maya face east as they should if they were built by a society that worshiped the sun.
Plate tectonic movement is the only way to study and date very ancient sites. Tectonic movement provides dates that make sense and explains other research.  For example, the Maya seem to have similarity with ancient Egypt and other ancient civilizations, possibly predating these other civilizations.  Well, my work using plate tectonic movement, dates a civilization in Egypt and the Azores to 28.5 million years and a civilization in Mexico to from 103 to 66 million years. So, yes this ancient civilization in Mexico could have seeded other ancient civilizations.
Furthermore, if we examine the Mayan cities, we find them all buried. In fact, there are Mayan, and Olmec, and other ruins in Mexico still underground.  It doesn’t make sense that the ancients buried these places themselves.  However, an impact by the meteor that killed the dinosaurs would explain that because of the tidal wave produced.
These ancients were not modern people.  They were both similar and dissimilar to us but they were not us.
Let me make a suggestion.  Don’t just accept the mainline scientific research.  Some of it is good but some of it is not.  Remember that academics have many other considerations than pure science. Their careers and funding issues are examples and they tend to color research. Also, many PhD researchers tend to be overly specialized.  This also colors their work.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Mr. Black explains.... "The Dorchester Pot"

If it looks like a dog, and acts like a dog, then it is must not be a dog.  Does this make sense?  Of course not because it would be illogical to come to this conclusion.  Well, this is just how mainline academics, particularly archaeologists, come to their conclusions about a famous mysterious artifact called “the Dorchester Pot”.

What is this artifact?  It is a metal vase-like object that was discovered in 1852 at the Meeting House in Dorchester near Boston in the United States. The Dorchester Pot was found in two pieces after the explosion and measures 4.5 inches high, 6.5 inches in diameter at its base and 2.5 inches in diameter at the top. The object was reported in both a local paper, the Boston Transcript and in the June 5, 1852 issue of Scientific America.
The object was blasted out of pudding stone (Conglomerate) that is part of the Roxbury Conglomerate 15 feet below the surface.  The Roxbury is estimated to have formed 593 to 570 million years ago.
However, archaeologists cannot accept this possibility that this artifact is this old so they reject it “out of hand”.  No one wishes to heed the work of unorthodox researchers and face up to the amazing implications of this discovery.  That is, that there existed in North America an advanced civilization, one with the ability to work metals.
Well, what is the “truth” about this object? The archaeologists Keith Fitzpatrick- Matthews and James Doeser on their “Bad Archaeology” website view this object as a Victorian styled candlestick.  Italian debunker Biagio Catalano views as nearly identical in decorations and shape to an Asiatic Indian pipe holder in Munbai.
Michael Cremo, a nonorthodox researcher, believes this artifact to be evidence of ancient metal workers in North America over 600 million years ago.
So, who is correct? How do we decide?  Mainline academics just cannot accept the extreme age of the artifact.  Let’s face it.  If they do then they have to alter all their theories and re-write their archaeology books.
Is there a way we can find a solution?  Yes!  You see that the Mexican Government released photos of artifacts found in Mexico.  These photos we made public in 2012 after being kept secret for 80 years.  What we notice after looking closely at the artifacts is that they indicate a civilization at the time of the supercontinent of Rodina, between 900 to 750 million years ago.
This changes everything. It means that a date of 600 million years for the “Dorchester Pot” is possible. It also means that mainline academic understanding of evolution and the origin of people is seriously flawed.
Our research, written elsewhere on this blog supports this extreme date for civilization on Earth and the very real possibility that this “Dorchester Pot” is upwards of 600 million years old.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Planets Changing Orbits......Ohhhh Mr.Black

New Planet Proves Planets Change Orbits      

The recent discovery by two Caltech researchers (Yahoo News 1/21/2016) of the possible existence of another planet in our solar system beyond Pluto supports my research. Mike Brown and Konstantin Baytgin computer simulations indicate the very real possibility of another planet 56 million miles away from the sun that completes an orbit every 20,000 years. This planet may have altered the orbits of either Saturn or Jupiter, or for that matter the orbit of any other planet.  This supports our research that the solar system was different in the very ancient past and led to the destruction of life on Earth and/or the other planets.
Briefly, their work with mathematical modeling and computer simulations indicate that a planet 10 times the size of Earth would have altered the orbits of the other planets in earlier times of the solar system and could, itself, been knocked out of orbit by the gravitational pull of Jupiter and Saturn. (See their paper “Evidence for a Distant Giant Planet in the Solar System”)
The current theory among solar system scientists is that at its origin the solar system had four planet cores, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune but it could have easily had five cores.  The interaction between these planetary bodies would have altered the planets’ orbits and knocked this new one out of orbit and into the Kuiper Belt which is home to a very large number of ice bodies and asteroids.
Why is this important?  It is important because from inspection of artifacts released by the Mexican Government in 2012 there is evidence of an ancient Earth civilization that had space flight and memorialized a trip to Saturn.  Jupiter was nowhere indicated.
This civilization existed on planet Earth at the time of the supercontinent of Rodinia.  Rodinia formed from 1100 to 900 million years ago and was destroyed 750 million years ago.  This leads us to conclude that intelligent life may have existed on Earth upwards of one billion years ago.  The current discovery of this new planet supports our work and does not contradict it.  If we were incorrect then new science would contradict our work and prove us wrong. Since this new science does not contradict us then we must be on the right track and are closer to the truth then even we first believed.
This is the sixth new scientific discovery that allows our research and supports our conclusions.  The other include: plate tectonics, the reconstruction of supercontinents, the impact that killed the dinosaurs, the “Big Splat” theory of the formation of the moon, and “Snowball Earth”.
Earth did indeed harbor intelligent life at a very early time, possibly one billion years ago. Our work and the new scientific discoveries we have just mentioned make this abundantly clear.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

False Artifacts Have Value....Just Ask Mr. Black

Provenance: Do We Really Need To Know From Where Artifacts Come From?      

Did you know that supposedly “faked” and “hoaxed” artifacts can provide us with true and correct information about the ancient past? Consider our story and decide for yourself:

A short while ago we began a communication with a well known author about the unusual artifacts released by the Mexican Government in 2012 and their significance for understanding the great antiquity of intelligent life on Earth.
He was very kind and courteous in his response and we were excited to receive his email. Hey! It isn’t everyday that we have contact with the famous. Well, even so, something he mentioned seized our attention for quite awhile. It actually disturbed us. We didn’t know why but it did.
This famous author had told us to make certain of the provenance of the artifacts in questioned. He wanted us to be certain of the artifacts’ history of ownership and their true origin and discovery. Of course his guidance was correct. Even so, we believed it was unnecessary because we approached our study of the implications and interpretations of the artifacts from a unique perspective.
Here is what we mean. Even if the artifacts were “fakes” the science that they portray could be examined and tested. You see, scientific truth can not be faked or hoaxed. Artifacts could be copied and recopied but the science they contain is either true or false and one could test the veracity of the science even without the knowledge of the “provenance” of the artifact.
Let us consider a few examples. The Ica Stones are good artifacts to use to understand what we mean. These engraved stones were discovered in the mid-twentieth century by Dr. Javier Cabrera, MD. These stones have images of what appear to be dinosaurs and humans and is some of the evidence cited for the coexistence of these beings.
Well, close examination of these stones demonstrate that the “humans” are not humans. Their features are too different to be modern people even though they have a similar appearance. Their noses and ears are too long; their foreheads slant at too great an angle and they have no thumbs. Humans must have thumbs. So, these stones do not prove the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs.
What about the dinosaurs? That is another matter. For one thing, these stones depict dinosaurs as our modern science understands them. However, they did show characteristics that our science only discovered toward the latter part of the 20th century and early 21st century.
The brontosaurus was shown with a longer head instead of the short head. The flying dinosaur is shown with crescent shaped wings something not known with certainty until 2013. Lastly, the dinosaurs appear small. In fact, they didn’t achieve their large size until about 86 million years ago. Before then they were about the size of humans.
So, these stones depict scientific truth that could not be faked even though the stones were accused of being fakes. In short, the Ica Stones demonstrate the true nature of the world more than 86 million years ago.
Now, let us consider the Mexican artifacts. These artifacts were claimed to have been kept secret for 80 years. The claim is that they were found in 1932 and made public in 2012. As to why they were kept secret we do not know. There have also been claims of fraud with these artifacts. In any event, we can still study and learn from these artifacts.
Specifically, what exactly do they show and how can we interpret them? Well, they show individuals with elongated cone shaped heads. They also show human sacrifice through the cutting out of an individual’s heart and a cone headed individual giving birth to a cone headed new born. The mother, in this case, has breasts like humans today.
In addition to these images the artifacts also show what appears to be space flight. These cone headed beings are shown traveling in a spacecraft to what looks like the planet Saturn. The spacecraft are also shown traveling to and from a circle or orbit. Finally, they show an arm reaching from a large triangle shaped land mass encompassing almost the entire area of a planet and touching another world with one finger from a hand with no thumb. This other planet has an atmosphere and no moon.
So, where does provenance fit in here? Actually, it doesn’t. If we were in the artifact business, either buying or selling artifacts, or just displaying them in a museum, or even studying them to learn about their manufacture, then, provenance would be a very important consideration.
However, we are not doing any of these things. We are only considering the artifacts to learn what they can tell us about the past. Even if the artifacts are fakes, they still teach us a great about the past that is true. Science needs not be afraid to study them.
So, what do these Mexican artifacts teach us about the past? A great deal and the results are most amazing. For example, these artifacts teaches us that Earth was inhabited by cone head individuals who were very different from ourselves while having much in common with us.
An important thing that they teach us is that our ancient ancestors were not monkeys or apes. In fact, their differences were such that our paleontologists may not be able to identify their fossils. That is because scientists identify primate and mammalian fossils by examining their eye orbits, their jaws, and their heads (skulls). Well, these cone heads have a very different anatomy. Their anatomy is different enough to make proper identification unlikely.
What else can we learn? Well, we learn from the image of Earth that the images show us a time very remote in our past. We know this because the Earth is shown with an ice field around it, the moon has a massive debris field, and the space flight is headed for Saturn and Jupiter is not shown. This indicates a very different solar system not just a very different Earth.
Ok! Don’t we have to verify the science before we accept these things as true? Yes we do. The cone heads are displayed in a number places to include both Egypt and Easter Island. In fact, there were Flathead Indians from the American Northwest that had cone heads but eyes and anatomy like modern humans. So, cone headedness is not an analogy some kind of abstract art. It is a real characteristic associated with humans and our ancestors.
What about the solar system and the earth? Well, science has theorized about the Earth having an ice ring for a long time. Furthermore, the debris field by the moon is a direct outcome of the current theory of lunar formation. That is that the Earth was impacted by a Mars sized object that created the moon together with a debris field.
The most important part of the image, the part that allows us to both verify and approximately date the image, is the image of the outstretched arm coming from a large triangle or spear point shaped massive land area taking up nearly the full circle of the planet. This image corresponds to the scientifically re-constructed map of the ancient super continent of Rodinia. Rodinia has been dated to between 1.1 billion to 750 million years ago.
The science is true and these artifacts show us a time so far in Earth’s past as to be unbelievable. Furthermore, these artifacts teach us that these ancients had spaceflight. The artifacts depict spacesuits, travel into and out of orbit, and travel to other planets. Spacesuits and orbital transfer are necessary for space flight so this part of the science is also true.
Saturn seems to be the oddity here. Why show an image of Saturn and no image of Jupiter? This does not seem to be logical. However, there have been scientific studies that have suggested a solar system where Jupiter and Saturn exchanged their orbits just like Neptune and Uranus have.
So, then, the science of Saturn’s image is also true. This teaches us that at the time of Rodinia the solar system was a different place and the Earth was a different world. It was very much an alien world. This alien Earth was destroyed when Saturn and Jupiter changed their orbits causing massive solar system destruction. This destruction has cover-up our ancient past.
We have discovered all of this even though we do not know the provenance of the Mexican artifacts. Since the science these artifacts depict is true, we can accept them as showing us a true image of the ancient past that is more amazing than could have been conceived by the mind of modern man.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

A Fresh Look At The Great Egyptian Sphynx

One of the greatest archaeological anomalies on Earth is the Egyptian Sphinx. No one really knows who made it or when it was made. This is in spite of the claims of academic scholars. One reason for this is the dispute about its age between Geologists and Egyptologists. Egyptology claims an age of 4500 years old. Geology views things differently.
We will discuss the published research of two scientists from the Ukraine. They are Vjacheslav I. Manichev and Alexander G. Parkhomenko. At the time their article was published, they were associated with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Their paper dates the Sphinx at over 800,000 years old. Let us take a look.
The current historical-archaeological methods used to date the Sphinx by Egyptologists can not be accepted by geology. That is because the Sphinx displays signs of water erosion that can not be explained by the current accepted age 4500 to 5000 years old.
You can not have water erosion of the Sphinx unless it was built at a time when abundant water existed in Egypt. A date of 4500 to 5000 years is too recent a time for Egypt to have had abundant water because it was still a desert. Furthermore, a date of 13000 BC, a time of high humidity and pouring rains in Egypt, is still too recent a date to explain the water erosion found on the Sphinx.
So, how do we date the water erosion? Well, Manichev and Parkhomenko have compared the erosion of the Sphinx with erosion along sea coasts and have discovered a similarity. In fact, geologists who specialize in sea coast geomorphology know this type of erosion as wave-cut hollows. They can be either one story or multi-storied erosion patterns. Wave-cut hollows are found horizontal to surface water and can cause cliffs as found on the Black Sea.
Examination of the Great Egyptian Sphinx demonstrates that this pattern of erosion is found from the head to foot on this structure. This indicates that the Sphinx was at one time submerged. The total height equals 160 meters and lasted for considerable time. The various cut-hollows correspond to varying water levels over time.
But what could have caused the submergence of the Sphinx? The answer seems to be increased water level of the Mediterranean which flooded the Nile Valley. This flooding of the Nile caused long-living water-bodies with a time estimate of 800,000 years. But the Sphinx had to have been built BEFORE this flooding. Therefore, it is possible for the Sphinx to be much older.
With the support of geological research my belief of an extreme old age for ancient Egyptian civilization, 28 million years, becomes a real possibility and not mere conjecture. In any event, the origin and development of civilization on earth must be re-examined and current beliefs changed.
Vjacheslav I. Manichev and Alexander G. Parkhomenko. 2008. “Geological Aspect Of The Problem Of Dating The Great Egyptian Sphinx Construction” in Geoarchaeology and Archaeomineralogy, Eds. R.I. Kostov, B. Gaydarska, M. Gurova, Sofia.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Mystery Behind The Guadeloupe Skeleton

The Guadeloupe Woman: Is it a 15th century or 28 Million Year Old Skeleton?

In 1810 the British seized the French Island of Guadeloupe and sent a large stone slab back to England containing a skeleton of a headless and footless woman.  This particular skeleton has become the object of controversy regarding the age of the skeleton and the Creation debate.  We will discuss this skeleton and add to this debate.
We came across this oddity when reading the website Bad written by Keith Fitzpatrick Matthews, an English archaeologist.  Frankly, his precision and attention to specific detail regarding the skeleton was refreshing even though it demonstrated a traditional and narrow perspective.  We understand that science must be rigorous. We also understand that it is necessary for science to disprove various theories in order to get to an accurate and truthful assessment of any object, artefact, or skeleton.  However, narrowness and rigid adherence to traditional methodologies do not guarantee correctness.  Since science, itself, is an exercise in probabilistic truth; it can’t guarantee certainty.
So, what do we have?  Well, we have a skeleton found in a slab of rock one mile long with an unknown date of origin.  Matthews states that the original investigator declared the stone to be a kind of sandstone made up of a concretion of calcareous sand.  Well, so far so good. Additionally, Matthews tells us that there is a grave yard near the site of the skeleton’s excavation began at the time of Columbus’ discovery of the island in the Caribbean in 1493. Therefore, he believes this skeleton is not of Miocene age, 28 million to 5 million years old, but of a recent date, possibly in the 15th century.
Now, this skeleton may indeed be a 15th century skeleton.  However, it is not proven to be so.  It still could be of a much older age even of 28 million years old.  This skeleton’s age may not be “discredited” at all because of the probabilistic nature of science and the fact that a modern age has not been proven either.  To properly determine its age one would have to examine the geology of the matrix surrounding the skeleton, examine the skeleton, itself, and properly study the geology of the island of Guadeloupe.  To the best my knowledge, none of these things have been done.  So, there is a real lack of evidence on the side of traditional “mainline” archaeology to support a claim of a recent, 15th century, age for this skeleton.
Now, can we find any other evidence to support a claim of an older age?  Yes!  First, the skeleton was imbedded in rock.  This is a process that takes some time.  Second, we can consider a new technique, one that I have pioneered, that is the use of plate tectonics – the movement of the continental plates.
If we do this we arrive at an unexpected surprise.  Guadeloupe, as with all the islands of the West Indies rest on the Caribbean plate and neither on the North America nor South American plates.  This means if we extend the location of Guadeloupe backward in time we find that at the end of the Cretaceous Period, 66 million years ago, it was located south to southwest of the Yucatan.  With the meteorite impact that killed the dinosaurs, a huge tidal wave of 1100 feet in height flooded all of Mexico and the surrounding area and could have carried bodies of individuals to Guadeloupe.  A closer look at the eastern side of the island shows an indentation that could have been caused by this tidal wave. Of course additional geological research is needed to confirm this.
So, we claim that the skeleton has not been discredited until further research is done.  Furthermore, the fact of the Caribbean plate movements due place Guadeloupe much closer to the Yucatan opens the door to the possibility that the skeleton maybe not 28 million years old but 66 million years old.  The question is still open.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

What If Time Was Infinite....Give Or Take A Billion Years

What if time were infinite in both directions, past and future?  Think about this for a minute.  What we have is eternity and that would be necessary for the universe to exist. This challenges the Big Bang Theory of the origin of the universe and puts us at odds with mainline academic science.

The Electric Theory of the universe allows for eternity.  This means that there is really no way to determine the age of the universe.  Now reconsider my research that indicates that intelligent life has existed on our world for upwards of one billion years.  Ask yourself: “What is a billion years compared to eternity?”  The answer would: “Not very much”.  That is the point. A billion years compared to eternity is meaningless. So, a billion year old civilization on earth is not an extreme idea and should not be rejected out of hand.
Some may argue that there is no proof for the Electric Theory of the universe. However, there is really no proof for the Big Bang Theory either.  Although both theories have experimental support, neither can be considered proven, at least not in the sense that mathematical theorems are proven.
Another way to consider this is that the universe is the sum total of all possible outcomes for the given inputs at the specific time of the observation (today, yesterday, tomorrow).  Evolution can be viewed in this way also.  It is not so much that life forms evolve but that as time passes the various conditions (inputs) change so life is forced to change.  Although we view this change as evolution it is actually the result of the process of the constant change in the universe.
Applying this to the Earth, we find our planet existing in a dynamic solar system, one that like the universe changes with time.  As change occurs, the Earth must also change and so too does life.  So, what we have with intelligent life, is what is possible at the “time” of its existence. Even if the solar system is only 5 billion years old and the universe 14 billion years old this would still be the case.
Now, our research has come across the artifacts released by the Mexican Government in 2012 that show cone headed beings and inter-planetary space travel.  Such an artifact provides substantiation for an ancient intelligent society of non-humans existing at the time of Rodinia, i.e. 900-750 million years ago.  This argues that intelligent life on our world is the result of various inputs that made such life possible at that time.  In fact, it indicates that our solar system may have be capable of harboring intelligent life from an extremely early epoch.
Although we do not know how or why this is possible, it seems to be the case.  Furthermore, there seems to be evidence that the solar system underwent significant changes and wide-spread destruction and that life re-established itself.
There is the possibility that archaeology may have discovered proof, or at least evidence for this. Specifically, Teotihuacan may offer this evidence.  Peter Tompkins in his book “Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids” discusses the theory that the site lay-out of this city may have been modeled after the solar system and the location of various structures indicate the location of the planets in the solar system with an error of 2 per cent. What if this was not an error but actually indicated the relative positions of the planets at the time of the construction of the city.  We have calculated that this city is 70 million years old.  A 2 per cent change in 70 million years may seem insignificant, however, if this change accumulates at a regular rate, we would have a change in planet positions of almost 22 per cent 750 million years ago. This was the time that Rodinia broke apart.  Rogue planets would also be possible.
This presents us with the possibility that the ancients built Teotihuacan as an absolute reference marker for future generations so they would have access to their scientific knowledge to restore civilization in the event it was destroyed.
Mainline science currently knows that life was destroyed on our planet many times in various mass extinctions.  Now, it seems that there is a real possibility that intelligent life was also destroyed and managed to re-established itself.  We are the intelligent beings that have re-established intelligent life after the destructions of these ancients.  We do not know who or what they were or where the originated from, never-the-less, we are here and must study these ancients.